Standing Soap Flower Bouquet




These delightful Soap Flower Bouquets that looks almost like real flowers are a great addition to your bathroom and for those who want to add some originality to their home decor.
These flowers can be taken apart and their individual petals or flower buds used as scented soap, either to decorate the sink as a hand soap or to be sprinkled into a bath
for a luxuriously relaxing bath with nicely coloured scented water.

Just add one or few petals or flowers into the warm bath water and watch the beautiful flowers dissolve. It will leave your skin soft and silky, wonderfully fresh smelling.

These flower bouquets soaps are perfect gifts for special occasions like Valentines day, wedding favours, or just a little surprise treat for your loved ones.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Red, Orange, Green Yellow, Blue, Purple, Pink


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